My last post was about the 8-week online business training course created by Marie Forleo that I entered to win a $2000 scholarship for.

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I had once won a $5000 grant from Travelocity to do research in the Amazon so I figured in all my confidence that I couldn’t not win this one too.


I didn’t win.

You’re going to think I’m an idiot when I tell you that I just bit the bullet and spent the $2000 to take the online program anyway.

I actually haven’t told anyone that I did that. So keep it our little secret.

I don’t have $2000. And there are damn sure better ways to use that much money. I just went in to debt (a practice I do not recommend) to pay for a trip to Africa doing Big Cat Research and a trip to Baja Mexico to do Whale Monitoring Research (can’t seem to scratch that wanderlust itch enough). But I had done the calculations and figured I could definitely pay it all off by June if I eat lentils and ramen until then, so it wasn’t totally foolish from that standpoint.

So why did I do that?

Why did I just potentially blow $2000?

You may think I am a sucker for good marketing. Marie Forleo is damn good at it, so that’s a possibility. And she gained my trust through it.

The reason I really did it is because there is this small strong voice within me (I call it intuition) and every time an email came in from Marie Forleo about B-School the little voice said, “Do it. Just. DO. It.” And every time that little voice cheered me on another inner cynic voice cried, “NO. You have no money.” “NO! You’re a fool to fall for online gimmicks!”

But I have this vision stirring within. It feels like there are some big ideas to make a positive impact on this world to inspire people (especially you women-folk) to better steward it through research but those ideas feel so blocked. I’ve been in limbo land for a decade now. And that is incredibly frustrating.

It doesn’t feel like I am naively hoping B-school will be the key that unlocks these ideas. It feels like I’m trusting my intuition that this IS the key that unlocks these ideas.

(I’ll throw in a mix of other magic potions for good measure).

In this instance of battle I put my rational voice aside, which has often been overly dominating, and I just did it. And you know what? After I clicked “Enroll” the little voice inside my heart actually went, “SQUEEE!!!! I’m SO excited for the next 8-weeks!”

So I knew it was a good decision. I’m already flooded with a ton of information from her website and the beauty is, I have access to it all FOR LIFE.

In the future when I’m famous running some science business conducting eco-tours around the world and inspiring women to BE scientists and change the world for the better, I can tell you, “I knew what I was doing! I told you so!”

Or at least, I can be happy knowing I didn’t make an impulsive decision, I made a heart decision.

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